Green Conversation #7: TESCO

| Sunday, November 16, 2008

*waves* What's up, Titans? Let's take a look at another company making green progress...

First we counted calories, then carbs. Now it's carbon, as retailers introduce product labels that encourage customers to weigh their eco-sins. The most ambitious: British grocery giant
Tesco, which has a program to label all 70,000 of its products with carbon breakdowns.

If you were like me when you first read this, you said, "Who the heck is Tesco?".
Like many retailers, Tesco has a rewards card program, but in this case, Tesco awards special Clubcard points for certain Green actions like reusing shopping bags and recycling ink cartridges and cell phones. What a great way to help effect change in consumer habits...especially since Tesco seems to be the retailer-giant equivalent to Wal-Mart ! Maybe the Titan Rewards program should include something similar to this!

Interesting enough...Tesco is also owner of the new American grocers...FRESH AND EASY. Hm....very interesting.

What are your thoughts and opinions? Keep the conversation going!

- Michelle Nakaji
Co-Internal Director of Leadership Development

[from Fast Company: 50 Ways to Green Your Business ]


jerrick said...
November 17, 2008 at 11:04 PM

tesco is awesome :)

they're like a walmart but better xD

Jackie Perez said...
November 18, 2008 at 11:45 AM

Wow, counting carbon?
I would read that before making a decision in buying a product. :D

I had an idea like this before when someone told me that 95% of the flowers we buy are imported. They are literally cut and flown in every day.. Imagine how much carbon footprint buying a dozen of roses emits? AHH! haha

Happy to see that Tesco is taking the initiative in the industry to educate the people.

Michelle Nakaji said...
November 30, 2008 at 7:01 PM

95% of the flowers that we buy are flown in every day? WOW! I had no idea! That's definitely something to incorporate into the Green Conversation soon! I'll keep that in mind!

But I think this whole "rewards" idea is great. This whole Fast Company list is comprised of such small, tiny steps that companies are taking that are making a who eco-impact! And this not only does that, but helps to change the habits of the consumer. I've been seeing this type of thing popping up here and there....Staples has e-waste drives to receive discounts on items every couple of months and also awards rewards points when you recycle your ink cartridges ($3/cartridge!).

I'd love to see our school take this more seriously. Now is a great time since we're getting those Solar Panels installed soon. ( I can't wait for us to have our own e-waste drive and many more green initiatives on campus!